Its amazing that in this day and ages, with such obvious benefits - that it is still frowned apon. The biggest problem is the groups/people who cant/won't work from home and suffer from some obvious jealously issues. Why isn't IT here for me to crawl up their ass about my inane problem?
How about I make you a deal. I'll work from work if you:
- Do not interrupt me every minute with stupid shit. How anyone is supposed to have enough time to get any work done is beyond me. Focus in blocks of 3 minutes or less = fuck all work done.
- You subsidize parking/transport - especially in these days of ridiculous petrol prices, overcrowded and irregular public transport.
- You create an environment where one is able to focus without the general ambient noise killing me (seriously - open plan was cool once - but not any more!) Any room with > 20 ppl in an enclosed space is just asking for trouble
Thats my update, have a great day. And no - I'm not WFH today - just in case you wanted to know!