Monday, October 20, 2008

Working From Home

Read this great article on Wired about Telecommuting.

Its amazing that in this day and ages, with such obvious benefits - that it is still frowned apon. The biggest problem is the groups/people who cant/won't work from home and suffer from some obvious jealously issues. Why isn't IT here for me to crawl up their ass about my inane problem?

How about I make you a deal. I'll work from work if you:

  1. Do not interrupt me every minute with stupid shit. How anyone is supposed to have enough time to get any work done is beyond me. Focus in blocks of 3 minutes or less = fuck all work done.

  2. You subsidize parking/transport - especially in these days of ridiculous petrol prices, overcrowded and irregular public transport.

  3. You create an environment where one is able to focus without the general ambient noise killing me (seriously - open plan was cool once - but not any more!) Any room with > 20 ppl in an enclosed space is just asking for trouble

Thats my update, have a great day. And no - I'm not WFH today - just in case you wanted to know!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Something Clever For a Friday Arvo

Heard this from somewhere or other - thought it was pretty clever.

"One of the most interesting operations was the laundry mat [sic]. Having lost many troops and civilians to bombings, the Brits decided they needed to determine who was making the bombs and where they were being manufactured. One bright fellow recommended they operate a laundry and when asked "what the hell he was talking about," he explained the plan and it was incorporated -- to much success.

The plan was simple: Build a laundry and staff it with locals and a few of their own. The laundry would then send out "color coded" special discount tickets, to the effect of "get two loads for the price of one," etc. The color coding was matched to specific streets and thus when someone brought in their laundry, it was easy to determine the general location from which a city map was coded.

While the laundry was indeed being washed, pressed and dry cleaned, it had one additional cycle -- every garment, sheet, glove, pair of pants, was first sent through an analyzer, located in the basement, that checked for bomb-making residue. The analyzer was disguised as just another piece of the laundry equipment; good OPSEC [operational security]. Within a few weeks, multiple positives had shown up, indicating the ingredients of bomb residue, and intelligence had determined which areas of the city were involved. To narrow their target list, [the laundry] simply sent out more specific coupons [numbered] to all houses in the area, and before long they had good addresses. After confirming addresses, authorities with the SAS teams swooped down on the multiple homes and arrested multiple personnel and confiscated numerous assembled bombs, weapons and ingredients. During the entire operation, no one was injured or killed."

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Reasons Why Today Blows Big Meaty Chunks

  1. The aircon at work is broken still/always
  2. The hamburglars birthday is still a whole 2 months away
  3. My carefactor has dropped so low that it cannot be expressed using a signed 32 bit integer
  4. I'm friggen tired
  5. I have so many helpdesk tickets coming out my ass that I'm walking funny
Well, that's my top 5 anyhow. I would rant further - but I am verging on delirium from my lack of sleep. This is usually about when I morph into a smurf. Well - at least I have that to look forward to I guess.