Thursday, December 18, 2008

Black Stallion Energy Drinks

Am I the only one who misses those? They were fantastic! By far better than any energy drink ever! But where did they go, why did they get pulled?

Perhaps it was the hallucinations caused by drinking too many of these bad boys. I myself had some absolutely awesome hallucinations where I saw monkeys bouncing round the car after about 5 of them in a row. My brother had even more bizarre sightings of shit including gumby, a deer with a power cord coming out of its head - and ribena berries bouncing down the road.

I for one welcome any sort of beverage which causes these awesome flights of fancy! But alas - they are no more. Perhaps there is a few cases sitting around in a warehouse somewhere.. perhaps not. All I know is, the world is definately a less magical place now its gone. RIP Black Stallion - *wipes away a tear* - I miss you every day!

If you want to read my deranged rantings about the aforementioned monkeys - Click Here

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Lights

Well its that time of the year again. Christmas lights are going up (aka self aware-self igniting-house combustion systems) all over the place - and not the good kind. How can I make such categorisation I hear you ask - good question fuckstick. I shall elaborate.

There are two sorts of christmas lights - (1) Well planned and executed - not merely safety in numbers, but a tasteful display of ordered and considered form (2) Shitloads of crappy lights in the shapes of god knows what (whatever was on sale at the local cheapo store I gather) strung precariously on anything that either moves, has moved at some time) or perhaps will never move in the future - those friggen blowup santas with lights that look like the marshmellow man out of ghostbusters - and other various tacky decorations.

So you managed to bathe the front of your house in 600 million crappy lights. Congratulations - its not like it takes brains. In fact - doing that would likely require the absence of brains.

I on the other hand consider myself a Christmas lights artisan. I take the finest lights available, and craft them into mesmorising forms and shapes. Last year it was a 25 foot wire christmas tree with over 4,000 colored lights, and a self contained wire star on top with 2,000 of its own clear lights. It was self supporting, requiring nothing to hold its shape - other than the wire I used to craft it. Now thats how you do christmas lights you fuckers.

So whats next? Who knows. I wanted to have a go at cracking the 50ft barrier with a new tree (alongside the existing 25 foot one of course) - or perhaps even higher! The skys the limit. Which brings me to my next challenge - a 50ft tree on top of my roof. Yeah baby!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Mortal Combat - Central Park Style

This is friggen hillarious! Mortal Combat never looked so good!

Now Coming to an Adium near you...BOFH!

I've always loved BOFH. Theres nothing better than taking time out to read a few BOFH articles and let the world slowly melt away.

And now - you too can have BOFH excuses generated from the comfort of your own adium! Sweet!

BOFH Adium Script