Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Australia Day

It's Australia Day. 9am - and like every other true blooded Australian I'm looking to start canning on. Yet - no grog shops are open. This is totally un-australian. Hang you head in shame Australia!

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Smashing Pumpkins named Beatweek Indie Artist of the Year

A welcome and suprising pick. Through the bulk of their stellar existence, the pumpkins have been on major labels. Until now. Billy corgan has given the entire recording industry a big "fuck you". Not only are they releasing every song from their new forty-four song album Teargarden By Kaleidyscope, on their website for free (as well as some beautiful boxed CDs/LPs you can buy) - they are doing it one song at a time as each song is finished.

The pumpkins are back, and in a big way. Anyone who has seen the latest lineup, or listened to any of their new tracks can contest to that fact.<

Also checkout to download free tracks.