Friday, February 04, 2011

Awesome Social Media Venn Diagram TShirt

This is by far the best representation of social media that I have ever seen!

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Wednesday, February 02, 2011


Its one of those good old Australian summers in Sydney - like I remember as a kid. Recently our summers have been much more mild and wet - but this year its a good old fashioned stinker. So far the last 3 days have been 41, 43 and due for 40 again today. It will be sunday before we see the lower side of 35 degrees Celcius.

The cicadas are back. Theres something magical about a hot summers evening. The sun (finally) dipping below the horizon - but the heat persisting. The sounds of insects winging around. The chattering of flying foxes in the eucalypts - snacking on the nectar. The hot north-westerly winds blowing, and the hint of smoke from the all too familiar bushfires. Watching my pet dog chase ice cubes around on the floor. Its all part of the rich tapestry of summer.

Ok - I'm over it now. I'm ready for Autumn!